Give me strength
Elaine Jones wrote:
Quoting from message
posted on 3 Jan 2008 by Tudor Hughes
I would like to add:
The reason tumble driers are popular is because electricity is
cheap and it doesn't hurt one's pocket too much to have one.
Living on a NW facing slope in N.Wales a tumble drier is essential
November to March in order to get anything dry - hanging out in a
garden with no sun is a nogo.
If it's wet outside, I hang up the washing on an internal line over the
bath. Before tumble driers, this used to be common practice.
The advantage of a tumble drier is that fabric conditioner is not
required as towels etc. are much softer; especially so in the case of
terry nappies as use of fabric softener can lead to a spotty bum.
Fabric softener is not recommended for use with towels as it reduces
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman, not newsboy.
"What use is happiness? It can't buy you money." [Chic Murray, 1919-85]