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"Nick Gardner" wrote in message
Still, doesn't take long for the days to lengthen again. I've noticed it
getting darker just that little bit later now. Soon be spring (I hope),
though the daffodils think it already is and the dawn chorus has started,
the thrush is singing every morning now before sunrise. A few red admiral
butterflies venturing out from hibernation, grass needs another cut and the
crocuses are all coming up. A max of 11.7C today in the sunshine.
Didn't you get any showers today after the main rain Nick?
Must be a real chore having to cut grass in winter, I'd hate that. I find it's
really nice to have a break for 3 or 4 months.
Noticed my primroses are starting to bud which is really nice. February is my
favourite winter month as the days are noticeably longer and it is also the
coldest month as well. Watching daffodil shoots poking through snow is a real
treat. My favourite month when I lived in the SE was May, now down here it is
definitely August with warm balmy evenings over 15C and warm seas.