Martin Rowley wrote:
I know Darren uses this in his analysis, but I'm not sure how many
others know of this page & capabilities:-
but at first sight, the page appears to be of benefit to users in (or
interested in) France. However, if you click around *anywhere* on the
map, you will bring up (after a short delay) a plume diagram for that
point from the GFS Ensemble suite (or GFES), even if well away from
metropolitan France.
The default output shows:-
Temperature 850hPa
Temperature 500hPa
Precipitation (6hr accumulation)
covering the full 384 hour output.
However, use the menu bar at the bottom, to bring up the other output:
Pressure & Precipitation
ThetaE & CAPE
Temperature 2M (i.e. approx. screen temp)
and using the appropriate active link
(Passer à 0-180h)
you can concentrate on the first 180 hours (or 7.5 days-worth) of the
model output.
Using the "Dernier diagramme du run de" hot link, you can also display
previous runs, or all four runs on top of each other.
The *entire* site at:-
is well worth playing around with - use the various menus at the
left-hand side.
Excellent Martin, it also shows *ALL* French data rainfall temps etc :-)
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net