On 2 jan, 14:01, Roger Brugge wrote:
I know it will be a very poor substitute, but I have created a pagehttp://www.met.rdg.ac.uk/~brugge/web_thun.html
that will list recent reports of thunder as determined from 3-hourly SYNOPs.
Nothing showing yet.
A similar pagehttp://www.met.rdg.ac.uk/~brugge/web_snow.html
for snow is also available - also empty at the moment but
hopefully soon to contain some reports.
Joachim Schug wrote:
first of all: happy new year to al!
We have noticed that SFUK (lightning reports) are apparently no longer
available...as maps:
and as raw-data since 11th of december:
What's the reason? Has someone any idea, information?
Thanks and greetings
On meteocentre, in substitute, I created maps from the blitzortung
boltek network :
http://meteocentre.com/lastimg.php?l...DRE% 20BOLTEK
I still need to adjust the maps to create the same areas that were
done with SFUk data.
I still didn't find how to get access to the new ATD data. I am in
contact with the MetOffice.
We will see...
Christian Pag¨¦