Yannis wrote in message ...
: Faro is on the coast - interesting that it is hotter than inland places
: Portugal even with a wind blowing directly from the interior.
:I've noticed the same happen here with northeasterlies. When they blow, my
:site (121m amsl) is slightly cooler than the central HNMS site (15m amsl,
:appearing as "Athens" on weatheronline) which is down the wind (~1km SW
:here). When it comes to cloudy weather, I put the blame on a Foehn effect

hills and mountains to the NE of both sites). But what could be the answer
:when it's a perfectly clear and dry day, I wonder?
There are hills to the upwind side of Faro - NW and N - so perhaps there is
a föhn effect. That might also explain the extremely low RH - 6% at 12.00
UTC today - unless the instrument is faulty. Notice also the reports of
"smoke" - brush fires perhaps ?
Sunday night min. temp. at Faro was 32.0°C and Monday max. temp. 41.7°C - a
bit cooler than Sunday !
Still a few other places in Portugal and Spain over 40°C on Monday.
Evora in Portugal 40.2°C and in Spain: Badajoz 40.2°C, Jerez de la
Frontera 41.4°C, Cordoba 42.0°C, Sevilla 42.2°C.
Colin Youngs