You do have a point with lengthening days.
In November I look forward to winter, and as I have said before February is my
favourite winter month, followed by March, so yes, the best bit of
winter is yet
to come.
I'm afraid I don't look forward to Winter anymore Will, a few years ago
I did but not now it's just the same old crap year after year, you know
what's coming.
I really don't understand Piers, all he has to do in November is
forecast the following 3 months to be mild or very mild and he's on a
sure winner every time!
Will I remember 1989/90 when we had an average December followed by a
very mild January they were in turn followed by my warmest February on
record (until 1998) and second warmest March, so don't expect too much!
Roll on April
From a warm & damp Weston Coyney, 11.7c and rising
Monthly mean should be approaching record values by Monday
