I thought I was heading for a record warm January night, it was 13.3C at
0:00, dropped to 12.5C at 03:00, then rose again to 13.2C at 04:30, then
there was a lull in the wind and the temperature dropped again briefly to
11.7C before rapidly rising.
The temperature has been oscillating since yesterday afternoon, perfectly
correlated to the strength of the wind. The frequency is around 2 hours and
the amplitude has been generally getting bigger. The temperature went from
11.8C at 07:00 to 13.2C at 09:00, mean wind speed went from 4 mph to 8 mph
in the same period. The temperature has now dropped from 13.3C (09:00) to
12.4C (10:50) with the mean wind speed dropping to 5 mph.
Currently (10:55), 12.5C, RH 86%, DP 10.1C, 1020.8 hPa (R), Wind 5 mph SW.
Nick G
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl