{WR} Haytor 20/01/08 (drizzle finally stopped)
On Jan 20, 5:48 pm, "Nick Gardner"
Went for a walk along the beach and the sun was shining, it felt surreal as
it was so warm and no coat required, just a T-shirt. Then we decided to go
for a drive over your way. What a different world it was! Lovely and dry
with sunny spells down here in the lowlands, but as we approached Dartmoor
it got darker and darker, then the drizzle came down and everything was
absolutely sopping with water running off the saturated moor onto the roads.
Really gloomy, I see what you mean about this being your most hated type of
weather as we ventured out for a quick Dartmoor walk and it wasn't very
pleasant walking in heavy, horizontal drizzle. Soon got soaked through.
Back in the dry Otter Valley now. In fact, I hung a wash out this afternoon
and it is now dry.
Currently (17:45), 11.7C, RH 84%, DP 9.0C, 1021.5 hPa (S), Wind 10 mph SW.
Nick G
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amslhttp://www.ottervalley.co.uk
Hi Nick,
Funny enough I spent the afternoon down in Exeter, as you say,
different world, I too was in shirt sleeves. But yes coming back onto
the moor I hit the wind and drizzle again. Getting washing dry is a
major problem up here in southwesterly weather, our airing cupboard is
now full with damp washing. All you can say about the weather up here
ATM is that it is "atmospheric", hope your next trip up the hill is in
better (drier) weather!