Heathrow report
On Jan 17, 7:39 pm, " cupra" wrote:
Martin Rowley wrote:
It's a complicated subject and requires some in-depth knowledge.
Pilots undergo significant training to understand all the
between power, flap setting, air brakes, etc.
... whatever, this pilot deserves great respect! I know they get a lot
of training for this sort of thing in the simulators, but it's another
'ball-game' entirely when it actually happens at the end of a long
flight from the other side of Asia! Indeed, it sounds as if the entire
crew (cabin and flight-deck) deserve a huge pat on the back.
Absolutely - one of the radio news quotes was 'the pilot deserves a medal
the size of a frying pan', I agree, along with the rest of the crew!
Was it a "Mira-aculous landing.." as one national pundit would have
Or was it a crash-landing in which the plane is pretty much a write
I would hate to find myself flapping my arms rather hurriedly
somewhere five miles or so above the Atlantic, having just been
informed the plane I'd recently evacuated had been involved in such a
Imagine putting that thing back in the sky.
It fell out of it before the crash and they only think it "might be a
write off"?
They can f...