Dramatic clearance at 11:30 to lovely blue skies after around 1 hr of
rain with some heavy bursts. (See for blue sky & sunshine) Still mild
around 11C at 11:50.
Drifting completely off topic, I'm amazed by the empty beahes in
Sussex with all that wood to tidy up. That would never happen in
Cornwall, see
www.looe.org/kodima.html - read the Kodima bits
(identical load - sister ship, much better reaction from locals).
Some of the wood made it as far as Penzance - on tops of cars
normally carrying surf boards.
I should point out that the same local spirit also removes other more
nasty waste, like the plastic waste which has been appearing from the
Mulheim over a period of years.
http://surfcore.co.uk/node/370 (Long
after newpspapers & insurance companies have lost interest.)