Hi, All,
211200Z 00000KT(anemo clogged? seems to be 36002KT by windsock) 0300
SN W/// M00/M00 Q1003
Snow depth now 11cm and rising quickly. Seems to have caught the
council snow ploughs out (although local tractors are ploughing
without spreading) road closed a couple of times in Copley village
because of buses losing traction and sliding across the road.
A bad time for the snow to fall, after 0830Z when most had set off to
work / school. They have to get home now! This includes No.1 daughter
who can hopefully stay in Darlington for the night.
Just a one day event we hope. Snow is a real nuisance in these parts
but we always have contingency plans, usually me in the Jeep!
Copley, Teesdale