On Jan 21, 3:47 pm, "Dave Cornwell"
Seven centimetres of snow were recorded in Mississippi and 13 centimetres in
Alabama, the National Weather Service said, while temperatures as low as
minus 13 degrees Celsius were measured in Georgia.
When you think the The Masters Golf is played there in April and it's often
very hot it just shows the extremes of a continental climate. Augusta is
about 33 deg North, similar to Baghdad which also had snow recently.
Good old North Atlantic Drift.
The pool is an interesting condition in that:
Because of the rapid advection of the North Atlantic gyre, the
temperature of the surface waters of the NADC almost always exceeds
that of both surrounding waters and the overlying atmosphere (Rossby,
Furthermore, it is an interesting concept, to me at least, that when
the Met Office give warnings of gales in the area, the weather is
usually very good in Britain. Well.... if you don't count Scotland, it
(A bit like the BBC.)