On Jan 21, 11:10 pm, "Colin Youngs" wrote:
"Keith (Southend)G" schreef in ...
: On Jan 21, 8:59 pm, Colin Youngs : wrote:
: Most 18.00 UTC synops seem to be missing. No 24-hour rainfall totals
: or maximum temperatures available at present.
: Ah, I just noticed your post Colin, let's hope someone can take the
: blindfold off our eyes ;-)
It's a pity the rainfall figures are not available considering the large
amounts of rain (and snow) in northern England today.
Colin Youngs
There must be someone on here that has access to them, pretty pretty
please :-)
Although the 24 hour rainfall totals appear at 6z so assuming they
whole things not screwed up we should get those tomorrow, it looks
like 19z and 21z are there so it's just sods law someone pulled the
plug out at 18z ;-(
Gosh, that an Demon news down, things are getting difficult tonight,
good jod I just took it out on the boxing tonight at the gym grin
Keith (Southend)