Forecast( or a guess!) for February
I note that the Met Office is due to publish its LR forecast for the
remainder of the winter tomorrow and I thought I would get in my '
twopennyworth' first.
This is, I hope, sensible guesswork, based on experience of past winters and
my ' gut
' feeling - which is not infallible. Here goes:-
February will again have temperatures above normal, but it will be more
anticyclonic and drier than January. The anticyclonic spells will probably
have ' High' centres
close to Ireland, and central/ south-east Europe.One or two
brief northerly outbreaks will chiefly affect Scotland, - of course.
Several springlike
days can be expected in the south , probably with temperatures up to 16c,
especially in the second half of the month.
Peter Clarke
Ewell, Epsom