Atmospheric dynamics
On Jan 22, 11:26*am, I R A Darth Aggie wrote:
On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 12:30:16 -0800 (PST),
, in
+ *Still, for anyone pursuing a degree in physics with a specialty
+ *in Meteorolgy, at least from any major university, they will have done
+ *at least two balloon lauches ard interpreted the radiosonde results as
+ *a lab requirement.
Care to name universities? having attended meteorology programs at
St. Louis University and Texas A&M, as well as close observation of
Florida State's program, I can assure you that *none* of them offer
the above lab.
Hey, Darth, have you taken any courses from a buddy of
mine from grad school, Chuck Graves, at St. Loius or my
former boss, Gerry North, at A&M?
BTW my program didn't launch any balloons either, and
I don't think students do where I am now, either. Kind of
a shame, though, since it would probably be fun as well
as instructive. Actually gathering data can provide insights
into potential errors which one may face later when doing