Threat of major global recession-far worse for humanity than anyGW
On Jan 22, 10:46 pm, wrote:
All those that think the capitalist economy cen be tinkered with, as
if a toy , with carbon credits and targets really do need to get the
scale and fragility of current human existence into perspective. I've
always taken the line that any proposed IPCC Stern fairy tale land of
left wing ideological dreams, of throwing a marxist spanner into the
engine of the Great ship Capitalism, not only forgot the iceberg but
also the fact that they are on the ship.
Yes there is a Spectre haunting capitalism and the world we know and
it definetly isn't so called AGW.
"All those that think the capitalist economy" will last for ever
"really do need to the scale and fragility of current human existence
into perspective "
The current global economy is driven by the US, who were able to defy
normal economics which is based on the principle of the distribution
of scarce resources. The European invaders of America found no
shortage of resources there and hence its rapid expansion. However,
US oil is now becoming scarce, and soon world oil, which the US has
been treating as limitless, will run out too. No empire or
civilisation lasts for ever, and when they collapse it is sudden and
There is a question of whether global warming or Peak Oil will get us
first, but whichever we are all doomed :-(