Light rain and drizzle all day up here Nick. Monthly total now 224.9mm (high but
not exceptional for January). Rained/sleet/snowed every single day bar one.
Max. a very mild 9.8C. Highest max. this year still 11.6C.
We have primroses out but that's all, soil is far too cold yet, being
Coldest time of the year is ahead still for Dartmoor.
Spring can wait till April, there's no rush.
Will (Haytor, Devon)
"Nick Gardner" wrote in message
Nothing in the rain gauge! Now that hasn't happened since the 4th of Jan. So
far this Jan rain has fallen on 20 out of the 23 days to date bringing the
total to 103.2 mm.
Sunshine total now up to a miserly 30 hours.
Mean temperatures for the last 7 days (17th - 23rd):
Min: 7.3C
Max: 12.7C
Mean: 10.0C
No wonder the spring flowers are starting to bloom!
Nick G
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl