A tranquil day with seasonal temps
mittens wrote:
Before I begin my report on local weather, I must say remark on how
mild it has been in the UK lately, As far north as Edinburgh, Scotland
it was +13C! Heck, it doesn't get much warmer than that in the summer,
does it?
Now for my weather. After yesterday's snowsqualls and gusty wind in
southeastern Ontario, today saw a mix of sun and cloud with a stray
snowflurry. The low last night was minus 9. The high today was minus
5C. Tonight should drop to around minus 15C.
Well Bob, I'm of mixed feelings about the coldness you have over the
pond in Canada, I like the crisp sunny cold days we used to have in the
UK it's refreshing. Though I dread the thought of being housebound by
snow and ice. I need to get out and about. Though I suppose the public
services are used to shifting piles of snow off the roads.
Will, did you "grrrrr" because you pine for snow, wind and cold?
And, Paul, "brrrr" is a state of mind. I happen to like the cold,
although by mid-March I am ready for the snow and ice to melt.
I expect it's not a damp coldness, like we have in the UK. It's all
about humidity, like around the coast of The Med is hot in the 30's and
40's Centigrade, though the humidity is low, so the heat is not felt so
Joe Egginton
~175m ASL