Is it me ?
In article
" writes:
On Jan 26, 11:48 am, "Ron Button" wrote:
I see from todays Torygraph weather page ,that Southeast Englands temps
would be between 9 and 12C,and it would feel rather mild ,well,excuse me ,
it FEELS bloody cold !
Why and where did this feely touchy nonsense creep into what should be
perfectly straight forward forecasts,saying how it is and not what some
abitary thinktanker decides for us.
Oh bring Bert Foord I you can all bugger off.
Who said I'm feeling tetchy ?
Hey Ron, I keep saying - don't read the newspapers, it's very
But then he would miss Philip Eden's always excellent piece on that same
Torygraph weather page every Saturday.
John Hall
"Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin"
attributed to Sir Josiah Stamp,
a former director of the Bank of England