[OBS] Chalfont St Giles - Mon 28th Jan 2008
Chalfont St Giles - Monday 28th January 2008
0630z SW F1 0200 FG OBSC 01.4/01.2 1034
RMK: A very drippy morning. Yesterday evening's frost has all gone.
0900z CALM 0300 FG OBSC 01.7/01.4 1034
Max (0900-0900z): 10.9 at 1455z
Min (0900-0900z): -0.1 at 0010z
Grass min (1500-0900z): -3.4
Rain (0900-0900z): 0.2 mm (fog, frost, dew)
1200z SSW F1-2 5000 BR 6St004 04.6/04.2 1033
RMK: A few glimpses of the sun in the past 15 mins. Looks to
be clear blue sky above the stratus.
Norman Lynagh
Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire
85m a.s.l.
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