john kettley
On Jan 28, 10:45 am, "Ron Button" wrote:
sent originally on Sunday
What's this about John Kettley then ?
Are the Beeb finally getting rid of the last of the old school ,as I heard
him making a sort of farewell cry at 8-30 on Radio5 live this morning ?.
Trying not to be sexist in any way(honestlyGianna) I don't think I could
stand listening to yet another bubbly girl telling me to wrap up warm,
listen to the floodlines,and don't forget my shovel and tow rope whilst
journeying to Sainsburys.
.Worse still of course,Desperate Dan is still out there......
Amen to that! you are so right!
Why the heck anyone thought that the weather had to be packaged up and
front like a sale on QVC by the regular pretty i've no idea,However,it
may just be that as more women got interested in the weather,and as
'weather presenters'reading from scripts and not MetO staff made an
appearance,perhaps the more qualified were more than happy to tuck
themselves up back in front of their desks and work more sociable
hours for a change.Standing in front of a blue screen gestating at a
camera can't be all that glamourous me thinks......Although it's us
that loose out.....