Now the want to destroy the Hottentot figs. I like Hottentot figs,
they grow well on exosed cliff faces where very little else can grow
because of the exposure & salt, and give a wonderful show of colour.
The Hottentot Figs that grow in Budleigh Salterton cover a soft
sandstone/mudstone part of the cliff that is very fragile and is easily
eroded by the rain and the sea. It seems that the Hottentot Figs have helped
to stabilise the cliffs somewhat and colonised parts of the cliff face that
the native flora seems unable to do so.
And as you say, they are interesting plants and do attract quite a lot of
insect life, as well as providing shelter/homes for insects, birds, small
mammals and reptiles in bad weather and the winter time.
Nick G
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl