comments guys
"Graham P Davis" wrote in message
Ron Button wrote:
What say you experts ?
Scientists were warning that CO2 would cause global warning before signs
that warming became evident. After the warming showed up, anti-AGW people
argued that it wasn't happening and, if it was, it wasn't caused by CO2
even if it was it wouldn't matter and we should all look forward to the
benefits of a warmer world.
Over the last century or so we've had scientists warning us all manner of
At various times, and occasionaly simulatiously, they have said it'll get
or it'll get cooler. There never seemed to be a body of scientists
predicting that global
climate would remain static (after all it has never been static throughout
So at any point in time, in whichever random direction global temperatures
are heading, there
will have been scientists predicting it.
They talk of "unprecedented" warming. Is it really? Three quarters of a
degree in a century??
I'm sure there are more important things to occupy the greatest minds in
science. It's
all about making a living and jumping from gravy train to gravy train I
I can't be bothered to pay any attention to
their half-baked ramblings.
Half baked? Rather like the global climate models we are currently being
force fed -
unfit for human consuption.