Bracknell, Berkshire, UK (51° 24'N, 0° 46'W, 77m AMSL) on 30/01/08
300900Z 28003KT 25km nil 1CI250 3.4/1.8 QFF 1028.6 (+2.6 hPa in last 3 hours)=
Grass Min: -0.4
State of Ground: 1
RMKS: Front through about 2330 - most rain post front (see the graphs at
Rain today: 2.8 mm
Yesterday: 0.6 mm
Month: 79.6 mm
Year: 79.6 mm
Average Temperature for January: 7.4 C
Average 10 min Wind: 2.7 kts from 281° Gusting 6.1 kts (Windchill Temp 3.4°C)
Max Gust last 60 min: 9.6 kts
Max Gust today: 14.8 kts at 01:22
Max Average 1 min Windspeed today: 10.1 kts at 01:23
Temperatu 3.4°C (-0.5 in last hour)
Max today: 6.2°C at 00:00
Min today: 3.4°C at 08:48
Max Yesterday: 11.3 °C
Dew Point: 1.8 °C (-0.5 in last hour)
Max today: 4.7 °C at 00:00
Min today: 1.6 °C at 08:43
Humidity: 89% ( 0% in last hour)
Max today: 93% at 03:32
Min today: 88% at 08:11
Barometer: 1028.6 hpa (+2.6 hPa in last 3 hours)
Max today: 1028.6 hPa at 08:56
Min today: 1023.6 hPa at 00:00
Solar Radiation: 53 W/m2 (47 % of possible)
Max: 54 W/m2 at 08:57
Sunshine Hours today: 00:00 (hours:minutes)
Sunshine Hours yesterday: 02:40 (hours:minutes)
Evapotranspiration today: 0.0 mm
Snow today: 0 cm
this month: 0 cm
this winter: 0 cm
NB: Day = 00-24Z
Environment: suburban garden, south-facing slope, temperature higher than more exposed sites on
quiet, sunny days.
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by WeatherDisplay version 10.37h, based on a Davis Vantage Pro2