Highest 10-minute average wind speed last night was 50mph/43kts (F9) with a
peak gust of 65mph/56kts. More to come over the next day or so, it seems,
with maybe (dare I say hopefully?) the prospect of some proper snow for a
Currently F7 SSW'ly, baro 967.4 falling rapidly, temp 3.7C (feels like/wind
chill -3C). Blustery wintry showers.
But it seems the highest wind speeds were around Carlisle? Peak gust of
84mph/73kts! And Paul Crabtree's web site confirms this: peak 10-minute
average 56mph/49kts (F10) with a peak gust of 83mph/72kts. Hopefully no
damage, Paul? Everything looks OK on your web cam.
What effect was at work to give that area apparently much higher speeds than
the surrounding areas?
Steve Loft
Sanday, Orkney. 5m ASL.
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