On Jan 31, 5:47 pm, Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Jan 31, 12:03 pm, Alastair wrote:
On Jan 31, 12:21 am, Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Jan 30, 7:32 pm, Alastair wrote:
It is not just creationists like Spencer who cannot believe in
Armageddon. None of us wants to believe in that, so we we all dismiss
it. However, it is a fact.
Where do you suppose the term Armageddon comes from?
The meaning isn't well known though. It has nothing to do with Ice or
Glowballs. That stuff is for the four horsemen.
Armageddon concerns human reactions to the things happening.
You might want to check out your facts before you make such silly
"More generally, it [Armageddon] can also refer to an apocalyptic
Well, Mr Weatherlawyer, it seems that you are also a Sea Lawyer!
Is there anyone that is allowed to disagree with you without some sort
of personal affront?
As I wrote, no one wants to believe we are heading for an Armageddon,
and most people will try to rationalise it away. But your attempt to
prove that catastrophe in not imminent by disputing the meaning of the
term Armageddon really takes the biscuit.
The term refers to a gathering of people who believe they are doing
the right thing over a dispute. The outcome isn't given if I remember
correctly. Read it yourself:http://scripturetext.com/revelation/16-16.htm
All I was disputing was your right to attack the man's physics with a
canard about his beliefs. All of which is based on a few words on a
political pamphlet.
Speaking as a Sea lawyer, I have to point out the term Armageddon was
used by you and incorrectly at that. I can't see where a link to an
article in the Wikipedia of all places changes that.
Just because you believe that glowballs is irrefutable and passing if
not past the point of no return doesn't turn the perceived catastrophe
as some cataclysmic war.
Or is it the gathering of people who dispute the existence of god that
you refer to?
I was not the one to first introduce the term Armageddon. It was Dr
Roy Spencer. Read the article posted by RodB, or the excerpt from it
I quoted at the start of my first post. You are correct with your
quote from the Bible but that is not the way that the term is commonly
used. The Concise Oxford gives two meanings:
Armageddon // n.
1 (in the New Testament): a the last battle between good and evil
before the Day of Judgement. b the place where this will be fought.
2 a bloody battle or struggle on a huge scale.
[Greek, from Hebrew har megiddon 'hill of Megiddo': see Rev. 16:16]
As I see it, both Dr Spencer and I are using the second meaning.
Moreover, I am not attacking Dr Spencer's science. His analysis of
the MSU satellite data agrees with the readings obtained from
radiosondes. From that data he deduces that the computer models are
wrong, since they predict a warming in the upper troposphere and the
measurements do not show that. He then argues that because the models
are wrong global warming is not happening, but that is a non-
sequitur. In fact surface measurements have shown that global warming
is happening faster than the models predict.