"Phil Layton" wrote in message
A very light dampening of the ground last night, but no rain
recordable .
.... a very short period of moderate rain here in Bracknell ~23Z
(midnight local), and surfaces *were* temporarily quite wet: yet the
rainfall yielded just 0.2mm ... absolutely useless! All 'hard' surfaces
now bone dry. Topsoil just about showing signs that it might have rained
in the night, but if you didn't have radar or the evidence of seeing the
rain fall, you might have thought it was dewfall.
Fine morning now (0625Z/0725local) - early Ac breaking up / evaporating,
sun beating down on the east Berkshire desert [ Will used to call it the
Crowthorne desert until he was lured away to the lair of the Great Hound
;-) ]
Martin Rowley: data via -
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51DEG23MIN30SEC(N): Long: 00DEG46MIN28SEC(W)