[OBS] Romsey - Friday 15th February 2008
This is turning into the eighth consecutive sunny
afternoon here in Romsey. Cloud broke to less
than half cover at 1230Z. Presently, we have:
SYNOP 15/1450Z
03/// 41558 20712 10075 20013 40360 58010
70511 82500 333 82625=
EG// 151450Z 07012KT 8000 HZ FEW025
08/01 Q//// BLU=
wind... ENE, force 4.
visibility... 8km.
weather... sunny with haze.
cloud... 2/8 SC base 2500ft: the sky is quite pale
but there appears to be no other cloud.
dry bulb... +7.5C.
dewpoint... +1.3C.
RH... 65%.
sea level pressure... 1036mb (falling slowly).
beaufort letters (1350-1450Z)... bz.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)