Still continuous, moderate, blustery rain.
Sea breaking over the Promenade at Helensburgh.
Since 00:00:-
Max: 7.2°C at 17:42.
Min: 5.1°C at 11:30.
20.6 mm
46 mph, SSW, at 14:11.
7.2/6.7°C, 97%. (Glasgow Airport 9/7°C, Glasgow Bishopton 6°C).
4 km
8/8 Ns, base c.400 metres.
17 mph gusting to 32 mph, SSW.
992.3 mb falling at 1.5 mb/hr.
Total precipitation so far this month, 152.8 mm.
Total precipitation so far this year, 492.4 mm.
Alan White
Mozilla Firefox and Forte Agent.
Twenty-eight miles NW of Glasgow, overlooking Lochs Long and Goil in Argyll, Scotland.
Webcam and weather:-