On Wed, 27 Feb 2008, Richard Dixon wrote
wrote in news:812ac21a-b439-4883-be2b-261de89bf204@
At 1258 my roof and house shook, i beleive this was caused by an
earthqyake anyone else feel it or know anything anout this, it was in
huddersfield in west yorkshire
Felt in London here too (Blackheath, SE London).
M4.7 according to the USGS:
See 00:56:46 quake.
coo, you must be more of a princess than I am...

I didn't feel
anything in this bit of Blackheath, must have dropped off by then.
Kate B
PS 'elvira' is spamtrapped - please reply to 'elviraspam' at cockaigne dot org dot uk if you
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