[OBS] Romsey - Friday 29th February 2008
Rain began here at 1305Z, remaining slight and
intermittent, occasionally with drizzle ever since.
Judging by the glow from Southampton, there
are large clumps of Stratus racing beneath a
low SC layer. Present weather conditions a
SYNOP 29/1950Z
03/// 41375 82417 10106 20092 40050 57040
72022 885// 333 85708 88615 91029 90710
EG// 291950Z 24017G29KT 9999 BKN008
OVC015 11/09 Q//// GRN=
wind... SW by W, force 5.
visibility... 25km.
weather... recent drizzle (a few spits in the wind).
clouds... 5/8 ST base 800ft, 8/8 SC base 1500ft.
dry bulb... +10.6C (been rising all day).
dewpoint... +9.2C (following the dry bulb).
RH... 91%.
sea level pressure... 1005mb (falling quickly).
rainfall last hour... trace.
beaufort letters (1850-1950Z)... c,cdo,c.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)