I hadn't noticed till this post as I don't find warm nights interesting,
except in summer.
But yes, as you say, we had a min. of 8.1C and a temperature 9-10C for a lot
of the night which is warm (but not exceptional) for the time of year.
Much colder from now on though grin
"Nick Gardner" wrote in message
What a warm night we just had here in the Otter Valley, the temperature
remained at around 12C (max 12.2C @ 01:30) from 22:15 yesterday right
through until 03:00 this morning before falling back a couple of degrees
later on. Pretty impressive for early March.
Currently (09:20), 10.3C, RH 75%, DP 6.0C, 1013.9 hPa (R), Wind 11 mph W.
Nick G
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl