Someone's being inventive.....!
At some ,
Joe Hunt typed:
"Joe Hunt" wrote in message
AMD EGNX 031619Z 031601 VRB03KT 8000 SCT045 TEMPO 1601 3000 +SHRA
+TSRA BKN010 BKN030CB PROB30 TEMPO 1601 VRB20G40KT 1200 SQ=
Brize Norton has obviously issued a special, this is from XCWeather -
EGVN 031511Z 22003KT 0400 TSGR FEW012 BKN022CB FEW030TCU 21/18 Q1010
Vis. down to 400m !
I was down to 20mph on A5 near Weedon about an hour ago - impossible to see anything through the car windsreen faster than this!