Weather on Mercury
"Les &/or Claire" wrote
Although a car makes a very good faraday cage taking the charge around the
occupants and exits to ground through the underside... a very safe place
be even during a direct strike......
I can vouch for that being good advice. Some 25 to 30 years ago I was
struck while diving over Cleeve Hill near Cheltenham. The lightning strike
did no harm, but the associated hail did minor damage to the roof.
Of course I was struck a few times during my professional flying career.
Damage, if any, is usually trivial being confined to static discharge wicks,
etc. OK, there have been isolated accidents caused by lightning strikes,
but the far greeter hazard is the downcurrents (microbursts) that sometimes
occur near severe thunderstorms.
I have to add that the only time I was struck in an aircraft was when
ATC/other traffic constraints gave me little choice where I had to fly. But
when I did have the option, eg refusing to take off into or near a storm, I
would do just that - stay on the ground. My company operations department
would occasionally moan that I had missed a "slot" and delayed the
passengers. Tough!