On Mar 17, 8:43 pm, "0B0NZ" wrote:
"Lloyd" wrote in message
ZURICH, Switzerland - Glaciers are shrinking at record rates and many
could disappear within decades, the U.N. Environment Program said
Partial List Of Growing Glaciers
Ålfotbreen Glacier
Briksdalsbreen Glacier
Nigardsbreen Glacier
Hardangerjøkulen Glacier
Hansebreen Glacier
Jostefonn Glacier
Engabreen glacier (The Engabreen glacier
is the second largest glacier in Norway. It is a
part (a glacial tongue) of the Svartisen glacier,
which has steadily increased in mass since the
1960s when heavier winter precipitation set in.)
Norway's glaciers growing at record pace. The face of the Briksdal
glacier, an off-shoot of the largest glacier in Norway and mainland
Europe, is growing by an average 7.2 inches (18 centimeters) per day.
(From the Norwegian daily Bergens Tidende.) Seehttp://www.sepp.org/controv/afp.html
Click here to see mass balance of Norwegian glaciers:
Choose "English" (at top of the page), choose "Water,"
then "Hydrology," then "Glaciers and Snow" from the menu.
"During the last century glaciers in Norway retreated as glaciers in
other parts of the world. However, in the 1990s many Norwegian
glaciers advanced as a result of several winters in a row with
precipitation above normal. During the last four years, however,
Norwegian glaciers have decreased significantly, shrinking both in
volume and length. Several consecutive years of little winter
precipitation, and record-warm summers in 2002 and 2003, have taken
their toll."