On Mar 20, 9:27 am, Mr Right wrote:
On Mar 20, 11:33 pm, Roger Coppock wrote:
If cherry and maple trees, butterflies, tree swallows, and Satellites
can all see global warming, why can't fossil fools? Please see:
There are good links at the bottom of this article from the AP.
This article is written by SETH BORENSTEIN, a well known AGW alarmist.
Google his name to find out about him, or read some comments hehttp://www.discussglobalwarming.com/...-is-in-denial-...
Can we instead read about him from a scientific source?
It would seem that the AP, through Seth Borenstein, whom we have come
to know as a man who likes to whip up some controversy with his
articles on the environment and global warming in particular, has done
it again.
He reports on the science and the facts. Not surprising you'd dislike
Not unlike his previous articles, though, he has also exposed - at the
very least - as an exaggerator of the highest order.
It has across the board been BASHED by scientists who regard this
article as fear mongering of the worst kind.
Who are they?
To me, it is just another
indication of just how desperate the AGW proponents are to forward
So I assume you can find at least one scientific group which agrees
with you? Right?