Is the Atmosphere Chaotic?
On Mar 20, 7:54*pm, Paul Bartlett wrote:
Hi. *We, as group here, discuss many things. *One of them is chaos
theory. *We are barristers, engineers, etc so we do have a few brain
cells between us.'
Lorenz 1961-1963 produced his attract, we can almost get our tiny minds
round this - almost.
God gets brought into this also, as he has shown remarkable skill in
organising the planet.
Without streams of equations we need help on the concept. *I know it is
like trying to explain a nuclear power station to a three year old.
But help!.
'Wisest are they that know they do not know.' * Socrates.
Paul Bartlett ** * Go to local weather.
400FT AMSL * * 25Miles southwest of the Wash
The atmosphere shows bounded chaos, i.e. there are limits to
the range of pressures, temperatures, windspeeds etc that can be
experienced. Nothing can shoot off to infinity or collapse into a
singualrity, unlike the case in say, celestial mechanics.
This chaos originates at a molecular level and there is a
fairly persuasive theory that this chaos cascades upwards through the
scales to synoptic level such that after about 20 days it is
impossible even in principle to predict the position of individual
highs and lows though that doesn't exclude the possibility of making
some useful forecasts of the general nature of the circulation. I am
not qualified to comment on the purely mathematical validity of this
theory but I'll believe it until someone can disprove it.
As to God, if He organised the planet and is the doer and
maker of all things He is either incompetent or malevolent, hardly
surprising for something conjured up by humans for the justification
of their own beliefs and prejudices. No understanding of the natural
world accrues from a belief in God, except perhaps of humans
themselves and their interactions.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.