[OBS]Whipsnade, Beds, Sat 22 Mar 2008
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote :
0920z N F6 -RASN 6km 6St008 8St010 01.2/00.2 999.0
RMK: Slight to mod snow last night from before midnight
until at least 02z. Hard surfaces had almost dried out this
morning when sleet started. Now (1010z) mod snow, and
beginning to settle on the grass.
1150z NNE F6 RE+SN 25km 6Cu012 00.0/-00.4 1001.2
RMK: Mod snow became heavy between 1050 and 1140,
settling from 1100 .... vis down to 100m for a time around
1130-1140, then it cleared quickly and the sun came out
briefly. 1 to 2cm on the ground.
Philip Eden
Whipsande 214m