****ed Off with it already!
I love extreme weather.
Cold, hot, snow, rain - Bring it on.
But this stuff ain't extreme. It's flippin' soul destroying!!Cold damp
and miserable.
Add to that, today, my two kids (7&9) asked "Dad, in the old days, did
you get real snow". In the old days!!! I'm only 40-something! Just adds
insult to injury.
Maybe I ought to move to Dartmoor where they have real weather!!! . . .
.. . ;-)
At least your "diatribe" post cheered me up.
Dave R wrote:
Well so far we've only had two days of these cold Northerlies and to tell u
the truth I'm totally ****ed off already. How anyone can say they love Snow
[Will and loads of others here] in this country at least is completely
baffling to me. After all the alpine/continental type clear crisp cold stuff
hardly ever transpires here so i dunno what all the fuss is about. For the
most part its dull, damn freezin, and thoroughly miserable and I'm in west
London too! which is hardly - a bearing the brunt- location. I been out all
day wrapped up too plus am quite used to the outdoors and I come home
feeling really exposed and in need of a hoyt bath and i'm going to bed
early. Has this something to do with such a kind winter we hads I wonder? I
tell you all these Will Hands in the world won't convince me that its
exciting. Exciting? what the heck is he on about. What has really put the
tin hat on it is I checked the BBC long range and oh God no they are
forecasting this flow well into the first TWO weeks of April!! How
thoroughly terrible is THAT for a thought. At least the sun if it comes out
at this time of year could compensate it slightly. But you get no sun out of
Highs to the NW and Lows to SE in East and South Eastern areas, which is
predicted. I'm in the wrong country I know, I should be wintering in
southern Spain. I'm retiring soon I know were I'm going from NOV - MARCH
from then on. Anyone back me up here or are you all lily livered Will Hand
Dave R [west London]