The Libertarian Child Prostitution Pimp Clause
Absolutely, so in Libertopia if an 18 year old has the right to suck cocks
for money, then since the government can't discriminate against little
children, so too must an 8 year old have the same right. Anything else
would be *discrimination* against the child.
"Aardvark" wrote
An outright lie
Yes you are lying. But then All Libertairans are Liars.
The Libertarian Party Platform is quite clear on it's virluent opposition
to any special laws that either benefit or act to the detrement of children.
From the Libertairan party platform...
"We also support the repeal of all laws establishing any category of crimes
applicable to children for which adults would not be similarly vulnerable,
such as curfew, smoking, and alcoholic beverage laws, and other status
offenses. Similarly, we favor the repeal of "stubborn child" laws and laws
establishing the category of "persons in need of supervision."
"Aardvark" wrote
"when everyone else ignores you for the boring troll bait you are, then
you'll claim moral victory because people stopped responding to your
foul spews. typical leftist behavior. transparent as hell, to boot."
Prepping to run away are you? You PEDO COWARD.
The alternative would be to make selling blow jobs illegal in Libertopia.
But as we all know, Prostitution is protected commerce in Libertarian
"Aardvark" wrote
You have yet to show us a libertarian leader that claims that
prostitution by children exists in the libertarian platform or that
any libertarian would be in favor of it.
From the Libertarian Pedo Party Platform... The Child Prostitution Pimp
"Whenever parents or other guardians are unable or unwilling to care for
their children, those guardians have the right to seek other persons who are
willing to assume guardianship, and children have the right to seek other
guardians who place a higher value on their lives. Accordingly, we oppose
all laws that impede these processes, notably those restricting private
adoption services or those forcing children to remain in the custody of
their parents against their will."