[WR] -TSRA Bracknell (Tawfield) Thursday PM
Martin Rowley wrote:
"Martin Rowley" wrote in
squally wind to Bft 6 around 1500Z ... very threatening sky
1510Z ... rain now moderate, squally wind.
1512Z ... now moderate thunderstorm, with moderate, ocnl heavy rain:
hail also observed - no great quantity.
Visibility 1515Z: 1km
1525Z ... rain now light, no hail for some time - a few CG strokes in
VCNTY. Emergency service sirens now evident all about, and have been
some 10 - 15 minutes.
1610Z ... thunder still rumbling around: nothing very frequent, much of
it CC (some quite lengthy rumbles), but the occasional CG strike
visible - frequency of these about 1 every 5 minutes. We seem to have
daughter cells developing in-situ, rather than storms advected in from
elsewhere. No *extreme* rainfall - enough to wet the garden etc., quite
well but no rivers of water or anything like that.
It was heavy enough here Martin. Visibility dropped to about 300M in
heavy rain and hail. Footpaths were turned into fast-flowing streams.
Heaviest rain I've seen for about thirty years.
Graham Davis