[WR] N Cumbria big t storm
Anita Evans wrote in message
Well, big by recent standards. I've been out under the gazebo watching
the most fantastic display of cc lightning - seemed like it was all
around me. Accompanied by thunder and very heavy rain, but never
directly overhead. So frustrating trying to point the camera, and even
more frustrating that my digital doesn't have a B setting, so I used the
OM1 and I will have to WAIT for the photos. They'll be crap, but I want
to know straight away. I should say the storm lasted about an hour - its
drifting away to the north west I think .
Hi Anita - yes, we've been sitting with the lights out watching the same
storm over here in NW Cumbria. Very dramatic. It was hard to decide which
direction to look - the lightning was first north, then west then behind us.
It lasted more than an hour here - maybe 2, on and off, and it's started
raining again so there may be more to come.
The poor dog huddled, trembling, in the corner of the kitchen throughout,
while I sat in the darkened conservatory playing Northumbrian pipe tunes on
a tenor recorder while I watched the drama outside - don't know why, really,
but it just seemed appropriate at the time - thunder appreciates a good
soundtrack. (I know you'll appreciate this bit!)