[WR] Guildford 6apr08 SN
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Phil Layton writes:
Guildford 06/04/08 6:18Z
Wind NNW 2.6kt
Temp 1.4°C
Dewpt 0.5°C
Baro 1006.7mb Falling Rapidly
Rain 0.0mm
Gust 4.3kt at 0:15Z
Min 0.1°C at 3:47Z
Max 2.6°C at 0:00Z
LP 1006.6mb at 5:59Z
HP 1011.0mb at 0:00Z
Snow started around 0630. Very light at first and of a soft hail variety
Now small flakes but of moderate intensity and settling on grass and cars
but not on the roads.
I didn't notice it at Cranleigh till about 7:45am BST (but I've just
realised you are using GMT so that's consistent). It quickly became
heavy, with the small flakes becoming large for a while, before becoming
lighter and of small flakes from about 9am. It's still snowing lightly.
It settled readily on all surfaces, though it has now mostly melted from
the roads. There must have been about 2-3 inches, most of that falling
in the space of an hour or so.
John Hall
"If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts;
but if he will be content to begin with doubts,
he shall end in certainties." Francis Bacon (1561-1626)