Ken Cook wrote:
Hi, All,
I see the latest Newcastle (EGNT) TAF is going for PROB40 0700 +SHSN
VV/// overnight and PROB30 0600 +SHSN TSSN VV/// tomorrow
Could be interesting by morning here as we also have a Met O flash
warning for heavy snow.
Currently 12cm lying in Copley (22Z) after steady falls from midday,
so we could be approaching the winter's max of 13cm on 22nd January.
2008 has been a fairly snowy year so far with 65cm fresh falls at 09Z
up to this morning 6th, annual average is 65cm.
Copley 23Z
062300Z 34013KT 4000 -SN -BLSN OVC St M00/M01 Q1002
Copley, Teesdale
Been fortunate here at the NE coast - about an inch of showery snow
overnight and that's melting now in the 1.5 degree C heat.
Newcastle Airport: EGNT 070720Z 33011KT 9999 SCT015 SCT020CB 03/01 Q1000