Teen Killed By Bolt Of Lightning
On Apr 13, 10:33 pm, "
A teenager has died after been struck by a bolt of lightning.
The 14-year-old was injured during a freak thunder storm in a south-
west Dublin suburb.
Lightning strike killed boyThe incident happened on an open green
space on Kilclare Crescent, Tallaght, at 4.30pm on Saturday.
He was taken to the National Children's Hospital, Tallaght, where he
remained in a critical condition.
A hospital spokeswoman said the teenager died in the early hours of
this morning.
The youngster, named locally as Patrick Ryan Corr, suffered injuries
to the left side of his head and an exit wound to his feet. It is
understood he never regained consciousness after the bolt of lightning
hit him just yards from his family home.
Poor *******, I'd hate to be his parents at the inquest.