chemtrails /unwashed satellite images
On Apr 16, 7:55 am, "Bernard Burton" b.j.burton-
I'm looking for any information on how to obtain images of unwashed
satellite images i am very interested in learning about subject of
Not quite sure what chem-trails are or how to observe them on sat images. I
have images of contrails and ship trails. If you let me know what spectral
channels you expect to observe chem-trails, I may be able to obtain them.
I have no idea what the term: "unwashed" refers to but I suppose chem-
trails would be a generic term for things including con trails. Tall
chimneys in certain weather conditions for example have produced
images from satellites or high altitude aircraft.
Keep a sharp look out for such things in the spell at the end of
April. Maybe some more in the middle of May. There should be marked
striations on those spells. I suspect that that is when such things
will show up best.