on the Radio right now! anti-environmentalism on "Coast to Coast"
02:43 AM PST
on the Radio right now! anti-environmentalism,
--GW, overpopulation denialism on "Coast to Coast"
with Dr. Ball.
PURE Republicanism?? It's now clear.
Six years of PURE Republicanism - BOTH houses
AND the Prez. Pure as it gets.
Are you better off now than seven years ago?
Are you proud with what they have done to
America and her reputation? ...Your reputation?
....all that sleaze, lies and bribery?
How about all the killing...the torture? Proud?
If actions speak louder than rhetoric, then
name ONE good thing about Republicanism.
Just one.
Just one *real* thing.
Can't do it?
So? Your Republicanism more like a bad habit then?
Might be time to consider Change.