Poor Summer forecast
I seem to remember making the point some weeks ago that due to a feeling in
my water,that this summer would be very average,and now I see that the rooks
agree it's obviously the time to take a rain check (haha).
As more and more pundits seem to agree with the rooks,and presumably Bill
Foggit,this should nicely open the door for sods law to apply and make this
summer a real stonker ,( that's EastEnd speak for bleedin' 'ot )..
I shall now resume my position firmly straddling the fence,and watch what
the 'experts' have to say .....
"Robin Nicholson" wrote in
message ...
Well, a driver at work wound his window down and informed me today
that it was going to be a poor summer. What..another one?
Yes! And the explanation is that the rooks are nesting half way down
the trees hereabouts.
Well there we have it, gents!