Bracknell, Berkshire, UK (51° 24'N, 0° 46'W, 77m AMSL) on 28/04/08
281500Z 26007G17KT 9999 VCSH 3CU030 4CI250 15.6/3.4 QFF 1003.1 (-0.9 hPa in last 3 hours)=
RMKS: Shr to SW. Mostly Cu med, some Sc cugen. Mod shr around 1150Z.
Max Temp Today: 15.6°C at 14:58
Min Temp Today: 7.4°C at 03:51
Mean Temp for April: 9.0 C
Rain today: 0.4 mm
Yesterday: 3.4 mm
Month: 37.6 mm
Year: 215.4 mm
Humidity: 44% (-11% in last hour)
Max today: 93% at 03:56
Min today: 44% at 14:58
Barometer: 1003.1 hpa (-0.9 hPa in last 3 hours)
Max today: 1008.7 hPa at 00:01
Min today: 1003.1 hPa at 14:58
Average 10 min Wind: 6.9 kts from 256° Gusting 16.5 kts (Windchill Temp 15.6°C)
Max Gust last 60 min: 16.5 kts
Max Gust today: 21.7 kts at 07:58
Max Average 1 min Windspeed today: 15.0 kts at 07:50
Solar Radiation: 740 W/m2 (100 % of possible)
Max: 1055 W/m2 at 10:31
Bright Sunshine Hours today: 04:05 (hours:minutes)
Bright Sunshine Hours yesterday: 01:23 (hours:minutes)
Evapotranspiration today: 2.1 mm
NB: Day = 00-24Z
Environment: suburban garden, south-facing slope, temperature higher than more exposed sites on
quiet, sunny days.
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