Some May lore
Hello Steve
Many thanks yours & noted the Bablake figures for April.
I certainly cannot verify my figures as they are unofficial.
I continue to monitor (on a daily basis) Bablake, Dorridge & Wellesbourne
for temperature and rainfall figures - as a check for local anomalies and
better understanding.
Having queried Wellesbourne on their rainfall, they are currently carrying
out experiments with varying devices - but it seems their rainfall is
significantly less than others in this area - interesting!
Dorridge records higher max figures, but less rainfall than Warwick. This
latter fact is surprising as I am in the area twice daily on most days
(passing through Hatton) and rainfall there seems to be more frequent and
heavier than Warwick (ditto Hatton).
I have for Warwick the following April temp figures
Max Min
2008 1st - 15th 13.26 2.47
2008 16th - 30th 14.75 5.56 the min was sig. higher
2008 April avge 14.01 4.01
1971-2000 avge 12.8 3.2
2008 April mean 9.01
1971 - 2000 mean 8.0
Diff 1.01
Passing through Hatton, I note my car outside temperature is consistently
lower than Warwick 7 minutes earlier :-)
Peter J
"Steve J" wrote in message
Hi Peter,
Are you sure about the temperature comparison?
We were -0.1C down the road in Coventry, and although I live in
Warwick, and extol its virtues, it didn't feel any warmer than
Rainfall-wise we are very close with 67.4mm in Coventry compared to
your 65mm.
See the website for full stats and facts!
Steve Jackson
Bablake Weather Station